
Katherine Beaven
Katherine Beaven is a eurythmy therapist with experience working in private and clinical settings, including the Raphael Medical Centre, Nutley Hall and the Blackthorn Trust. She has been living in Forest Row since 1989 and brought her children up on raw milk and biodynamic produce from the local farms. Working in the health sector she has become increasingly aware of the importance of how we are nourished. Her gratitude for the work of St Anthony’s Trust has inspired her to become a trustee.

Simon Blaxland-de Lange
Simon Blaxland-de Lange works in the social care sector, also as a translator. He has been a member of Hoathly Hill Community, West Hoathly since 1991, where – together with a group of Pericles students – he is responsible for making BD compost for the Community. He became a Trustee in 2000 as a result of his close involvement in the Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Farms Co-operative, at the time as a member of the Committee and of the Plaw Hatch Management Group.

Jo Reeves
Jo Reeves is a solicitor having gained her LLB and Masters in Law from Warwick University. She practiced law for over 10 years, initially training within a property and land-based firm and then setting up a partnership that worked primarily with legal aid cases. She also volunteered as Chair of Reading CAB and the Womens’ Aid Refuge. She is inspired by Steiner’s insights into education, human development and community and joined St. Anthony’s as a Trustee to support their work. Within the Trust, her particular areas of interest are in supporting community land-based projects (Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch) and St Anthony’s objectives for both education and support for the elderly within their Trust Deed.

Brian Swain
Brian Swain has been a member of the Forest Row community since 1983 when he attended Emerson College. Professionally he is an organisational development consultant working mainly in the UK with some assignments across Europe. Currently, his work is with large construction projects, their organisation and performance. His work focus is collaborative working, communication and value creation. He has been a supporter of Plaw Hatch and Tablehurst farms since before the formation of the Co-op, and was a director of the Farm Co-op for 14 years.

David Thomas
David Thomas has lived and practised as a chiropractor in Forest Row since 1982. David’s interest in nutrition led to his independent research and published papers on the historical loss of minerals in our foods. This trend, he feels, plays a potentially negative role in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of our society. Consequently, he feels very fortunate to be able to enjoy excellent quality foods from our local Biodynamic farms, to be a Trustee of St Anthonys and thereby have the opportunity to actively partake in pursuing its various roles – including helping to establish other community-based Biodynamic farms.
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