Financial Performance and Investment
On a year-to-year basis, Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch farms have to be financially self-sustaining, including making provisions to replace machinery and maintain their land, yards and buildings. This presents a considerable challenge for the farms and their management groups, because the yields per hectare are lower than in conventional agriculture, particularly in terms of cereal crops, while the labour required is greater. This is offset, to some extent by the price premium that biodynamic food commands, although both farms seek to keep their prices to a minimum viable level, in recognition of their community ownership. St Anthony’s Trust is only able to finance new buildings etc through fundraising and legacies.
St Anthony’s Trust would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to support the work of the farms, for example by offering low-interest rate loans for new capital equipment or buildings. Please get in touch with Leticia Armengod via admin@saintanthonystrust.com
If you want to know our donation acceptance policy please click here