Welcome to the website of St Anthony’s Trust

We are a land trust charity based in East Sussex, UK.

The Trust is the landlord of Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farms in Forest Row and Sharpthorne. It owns most of the land and the buildings on which the farms operate, and works closely with the farms and the Tablehurst & Plaw Hatch Community Farms Co-op to ensure that biodynamic, community-owned agriculture in Forest Row is safeguarded for generations to come. It also owns the Rachel Carson Centre. We have no endowment and depend on gifts and legacies for our ongoing work.

We have two main charitable aims: Education, training and research in biodynamic farming and horticulture. And providing assistance to the aged, infirm and poor.

We invite you to read more within this website about the work of St Anthony’s Trust and if you would like to support our vision of sustainable social and cultural regeneration inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner, then please consider donating or making a legacy. 

Could you Support Our Work?

The trustees welcome input as to where the Trust can best serve the community in fulfilling our objectives. To do this effectively, we are dependent on legacies and donations. If you wish to invest or make a donation please contact us, or you can donate now.

If you want to know our donation acceptance policy please click here 


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